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Fundraising Shopping Dates 9/14-9/22. Mention Your Group at Checkout!
A great mix of birdseed for wildbirds and songbirds
A great mix of birdseed for wildbirds and songbirds

Shafer Songbird Deluxe 8lb

  • 20% Sunflower
  • Contains Millet, Oil and Striped Sunflower, Nyjer, Peanuts and Safflower
  • Attracts perching and ground birds

Shafer Seed's Songbird Deluxe blend with 20% Sunflower and premium seeds offers the backyard bird enthusiast a moderately-priced food that is the real deal!

Songbird Deluxe can be used in all types of feeders as well as being a great mix to attract those wonderful ground feeding birds.

You’ll get all the regular customers like Cardinals, Chickadees and Finches as well as other indigenous backyard visitors.